IPL-Beratung Organisationsentwicklung und Lean Administration

In order to generate competitive advantages, necessary changes need to be identified in time. Concurrently, the internal organisation also has to be adapted.

We help you to build and design a learning organisation and support you in implementing cost-optimised administration processes.


Fields of action

  • Introduction of low-waste processes in administration
  • Planning the optimal deployment of employees
  • Review and introduction of IT systems
  • Implementation of shop floor management with individual KPI systems
  • Support in recording master data (times, KPIs, etc.)
  • Introduction of lean principles with quick response manufacturing (QRM)


Your benefit

  • Improved communication and information flow throughout order processing
  • Process-oriented organisational structure due to lean administration processes
  • Transparency of processes through process cost analysis
  • Optimal deployment of employees and targeted use of IT systems
  • Improved master data for continuous optimisation


Our approach


We will conduct a structured activity analysis to examine administrative processes.

Here we jointly identify which tasks can also be characterised as "value-adding" in production-related areas and which as wasteful.

These can be evaluated based on process costs, while potentials can be determined and sustainably improved. Lean administration based on a learning organisation is our goal. We will support you in the implementation, training and therefore in the design and reorganisation of your processes.


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